I Don't Blog

I have a confession to make: I hate blogging.

Yes, I went through a LiveJournal phase in high school, largely using the site as a way to make plans with friends and/or shoot passive-aggressive insults their way. Yes, I've started blogs on about every site out there, only to abandon them in short order. I may be a writer, but blog posts are not my niche. I'm not well-versed in witty real-life anecdotes, useful parenting and cooking tips, or wordy accounts of what I had for lunch or watched on TV today. I'd rather be writing something I'm good at.

Earlier today, though, it hit me: I can use blogging as a way to put off writing anything productive.

Here I am, then, typing this entry instead of working on any of a half dozen stories-in-progress. To be honest, I do see the usefulness of a blog. Most magazines where I submit work allow self-promotion in the form of a link to your blog or site. Now that my fiction is published online, I need to spread the word and gain recognition, so I'm being productive in a certain sense, right?

Now to see if I can figure out how to drag some people in here and start building my base of adoring fans...


threesidesofcrazy said...

If nothing else blogging is a forum for freelance thoughts that will hopefully lead to productive story ideas?

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