Did I mention I don't blog?

Ugh, I have been doing everything I can the past few days to avoid writing anything. This mostly means I have spent the week sleeping, eating, talking to everyone I know on the phone for hours, surfing online, playing with my cat, watching trashy talk shows, and God forbid, cleaning.

Unfortunately, I really need to be writing. I want to submit to Every Day Fiction as soon as possible, and I want to get something out for M-BRANE's new anthology before the deadline. Then there's my promise to myself to finish my first viable novel this summer and get it out of here before the end of the year, which will prove nearly impossible unless I get it done during JulNoWriMo. Which means, basically, that I have to have all my short story submissions done before then, a.k.a. now.

Writers write. Bloggers blog. Why do I find myself so incapable of doing either?

Oh, right. Because I'm a procrastinator.


threesidesofcrazy said...

Blogging and writing are not necessarily mutually exclusive - or are they? I hope not. I'll think positive for you.

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