Fiction markets
Where's the right one for me?
It's strange. To the best of my knowledge, what I write is what gets crazily popular - stories set in current times, in a version of this world with a touch of added magic. To be fair, this type of book is generally aimed at young people, but I've seen a middle-aged Hispanic man reading Twilight on the bus on his way home from work. The Harry Potter series was published with an entire set of covers meant for adults who want their reading material to look more mature. Everyone loves light, urban, modern fantasy.
I describe my personal writing style along the lines of the following: Neil Gaiman meets Margaret Atwood for coffee at three in the morning in a seedy New England diner just off a foggy highway. They sit there and talk until dawn.
Maybe I'm somehow misinterpreting what's popular? Maybe I'm stuck somewhere between young adult adventure and excitement and grown-up good sense? All I know is that I can't find a place for myself in the big-name short fiction markets. The ones dedicated to genre fiction seem to be full of dragons and swords and the occasional alien, or alternately a lot of allegory about nuclear weapons and the government. The literary ones appear to only publish a piece of fiction if it either deals with children in the context of an adult trying to find his or her place in the world or stars a struggling minority character.
Don't get me wrong, I love all these kinds of stories. I have no problem with high fantasy, symbolic sci-fi, or literature that deals directly with widely known real-world issues. It's just that I don't write any of these things.
That said, my first short story that really follows my personal style has just found a home, so I know there is hope. I just wonder if the road ahead would be easier for me if I wrote something closer to the standard.
I look forward to hearing more about where that 'home' is. Fiction is a tough market no matter what your style is. If you're an unknown, no one wants to take a chance so how are you supposed to get known? It's a vicious circle! I hope your 'home' will showcase your talents.
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